Dear Friends;
My situation has changed considerably for the time being. I had a slight injury (a metal door banged into my lower leg and left a deep laceration) and am now residing in the Lotus Hotel in Mombasa while I try to stay off my feet and let my leg heal. I had stitches two weeks ago but after having them taken out, I guess I went on a bike ride a little too soon! Only myself to blame - well,enough on that subject.
Since my last entry, I visited another PCV's site that is up in the mountains and we got in a nice hike. The air was cool and refreshing after the continuing heat on the coast. But by the way, the rainy season has come and the temps are somewhat lower, but the humidity can really sap your energy!! I have also spent a week in Nairobi. I escorted a group of girls from the coast to a leadership camp that PC sponsored in Nairobi. I stuck around for the week and got some medical testing completed (all routine, nothing related to my leg injury). I actually enjoyed most of my time in Nairobi - I now know my way around somewhat and feel more comfortable. The highlight of the trip was spending an evening with a couple who work for the UN. The woman is a relative by marriage to Leslie Whitmore. It was SO delightful to spend an evening in a Western style home, with a small baby and dogs.
As you can see, I am no better at positioning pictures! The above shot is of wonderful clouds approaching Kadzinuni. The photo on the right is an example of how young boys spend some of their free time. They build these stick "cars" and walk all around the villages sort of showing them off. Some are double deckers and quite elaborate. This kid was so eager to have his picture taken!
The top shot is of a mosquito net being hung ---I have a program where nets are given free to residents of Kadzinuni and then I go to their house to make sure they have hung the net and that they are using it properly. The catch is finding the right house ---no street names, no phones, hum - makes for some interesting afternoons.
Why didn't that photo appear here, where I wanted it to??? Well, yes,that is me with my young friend Locie who is in the first grade and read an entire book to me. She is learning English, French, and kiswahili and speaks her mother tongue, chonyi. Her mother, Furaha, is to the right.
Lastly there are my friends Augustus and Jay constructing the new shelves in the library ---and just in time. All the books that were donated and collected by Leeann Wood have arrived in the Mombasa harbour! My next blog entry will highlight my encounter with the harbour master and crew! So far, it is smooth sailing, so to speak. But - we shall see. Haven't picked up the books yet.
I will close for now. I must report that some progress has been made toward bringing electricity to my house so perhaps, in the not too distant future, I will be making more regular entries.
I am well and happy here in Kenya and proud to be serving with the Peace Corps! Since mostly women are reading this blog, I will add that the leadership camp that was held for young girls was a huge success ---oh wait, the last picture I will include is Grace Mwangata & I heading off to Nairobi. Grace attended the camp and she loved it - she even got to go to the Embassy! She had never been to Nairobi; in fact, she had hardly left her village until this trip. She finishes high school this year and I am sure this camp experience has helped to prepare her for her next big step in life-----leaving the home she has been secure in for 18 years. She hopes to go to Mombasa and become a hair dresser. OK - one more picture ----her own hair "do" is in the foreground on the left. The photo is of the family having breakfast.
Bye for now -