Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fetching water at Kadzinuni

Today's topic is fetching water. Now, since I am such a princess, I only have to walk outside with a bucket, go about 15 yards, and turn on a faucet. The water I get is rain water stored in a large tank. I treat the water with a product called "PUR" and it is truly amazing to see all the stuff that settles to the bottom after treatment. The water looks so clean coming out of the tap! I have only been sick once, a brief one day thing, but I am very careful in how I treat my drinking water and also VERY careful to always have my own drinking water with me wherever I go.

So - the photos here show my new friend, Clara, and how she fetchs water, EVERYDAY! She has told me that young girls, by the age of 5 or 6, begin training in carrying just about anything and everything on their heads. I have tried several times, with different items, draws lots of laughter from the women!

Here are a few snipets from my life here:

I have been invited to a dinner of roasted field mice. Can you guess my response?
I saw several women with plastic 50 gallon drums on their heads, WALKING UP HILL.
Today I was asked over 20 times, "Where are you going?"
There is something alive in my house that sort of looks like a small lizard.
I went to a very upscale Kenyan wedding and the wedding party consisted on 19 people,not counting the bride and groom.

I will close for now. Next time I may even include a video of the inside of my house. Also, hope to have a shot of the Kenyan men climbing the coconut trees to collect the coconuts for their disgusting coconot wine.


  1. Hi Mary, Karyn gave me a link to your blog and I've been enjoying following it. I was especially taken with this one describing "my new friend Clara." Where did she get the name?

    What an adventure you are having. I'm looking forward to more postings.

    Clara in Montana

  2. Hi Mary, Victoria is in Mammoth and she sent me your blog. I loved reading about all your are an inspiration! I can't wait to hear more about life in Kenya. Do you have an email so I can contact you directly? All is well here in Encinitas.

