Dear Friends;
Hope you all had nice holidays with your families. I had a terrific time with my Kenyan family, the Mwangata's. In a way, not much happens but school is not in session for the entire month and families do take time to be together. Here on the coast, the highlight of both Christmas Day and New Year's Day is to go down to the beach and watch the children play in their new clothes. I mean, there are so many little girls in long fancy dresses rolling around in the surf and sand. Here are pictures to enjoy: top photo is of the Mwangata family in their Mammoth Mtn. T-shirts. Next to that is a shot of Margo and I - she visited in late November. The rest are all from New Year's Day - and yes, that is me with the Mwangata girls.
School has started again and I am busy with my life skills classes. Yes, what a joke that is - ME teaching Life Skills. I promise I only teach the appropriate skills! Happy New Year from Kenya!!
Hi, Mary: You don't know me but I found your blog while I was researching posts from PCV in Kenya. I have accepted PC's invitation to go to Kenya to do Small Business Development end of May. I am excited. Yet have questions, and your blog has answered many. You have gorgeous photos btw! I'm a "senior" also and just wondering how you've done living with a squat toilet and no electricity or running water for much of your time? (Or did I read that wrong? Seems the photo of your place in Kadzinuni had water and electricity?). Anyway I'm just trying to get a better sense of what is to come. I know myself pretty well and want to be assured that I can handle the conditions for the 27 months! You seem very happy and content. Good on you!! Best, Karen